Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Asking Oprah to do a show about people abandoned because they dare to speak out.

Please do a show about the people who TRY to address child sexual abuse and are abandoned by their families as a result of this. There is a vast number of people that this affects and they are a group of people who are not given a voice in the growing issue of child sexual abuse. People who are given the choice to sweep it all under the rug and are supported by their families are also a group of people who should be a part of the show. PLEASE consider a show like this as I believe this to be a KEY ELEMENT to addressing child sexual abuse and tapping into the Main reason child sexual abuse continues to grow! Reach out to the people who for the most part DO NOT have a voice or choose to be silent to be able to HAVE some semblance OF a family. REACH OUT also to the people who PROTECT the pedophiles and find out WHY!

I have written to the Oprah Winfrey Show before and implore you to Please Consider my words. The epidemic grows each day and I believe we will never catch up to the growth until we ask the questions that need to be asked to the people that are NEVER reached. Thank you.

Here is my blog address.


If you read my blog......Email Oprah to ask for a show for the abandoned survivors.

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