Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Recipe For Life

I love when I remember my dreams.  A recent dream was very comforting and I thought I would post the details and what I got from that dream.

I found myself in a very large clean building that housed some lecture and social halls and also some people I perceived as very wise Deans.  I wandered around the building and observed a few gatherings of people and some of the Deans who had monkeys walking beside them.  I believed they were helper monkeys.  A monkey would sometimes screech at the wise Dean and in turn the Dean would talk back to the monkey in the same screech language.  They were not disrespectful of each other they just knew the same monkey language.  There were two male Deans and one female Dean.  I had great respect for them as they seemed very spiritual and very wise.

As I went through this very large clean building I came upon a kind of waiting room with wingback chairs and a few end tables.  I was speaking with someone who looked familiar but I could not place where I knew her from.  She had a small box of cookies she was reading from and showed me what was written on the box.  It read, "A Recipe For Life".  She explained to me that it was nice that that was written on the box but felt it would be good to apply it to ones life.  We all need to figure out for ourselves what is the recipe for ourselves to live our lives to the fullest.  The decisions we make for ourselves are very important and while we are helped along the way to make decisions we have to hold on to some that are very personal.  Spirituality is one important choice.  I had a great deal of trouble when I decided very young the Catholic faith was not for me.

I am no expert of dream interpretation but this is the message that I took from this dream.  This Blog in turn is part of the recipe I am writing for myself.  A healing process.  Even to this day as I grow there are many who could never believe that I experienced sexual molestation.  I can not be the person they want me to be.  The experiences I had changed me forever and I have to live "as me".

We need to take all the different messages we get from our dreams or the people who cross our path in order to build and create our own Recipe For Life.  Borrow a few good traits from the people we cross paths with and remember the many good things that our healthier family members have brought to our lives.

I always remember one important lesson from my parents.  They taught me to have empathy for people who for what ever reason "just don't get it".  There are some very overwhelming situations that some just can not wrap their mind around.  It is just too unbelievable and they feel their mind would just snap.

My mother taught me to have empathy for my mother.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Transitional Periods

I am in a transitional period.  I have not been here in a long time.  It seems in the past I was posting on a pretty regular basis.  I somehow was inspired by events or people who crossed my path or I may have been getting encouragement and psychic feeds from the other side.   There have been times in my life where I was going into a situation where I had no idea what I would say or write and how I would say or write it.   In those times I would pray for guidance and a great deal of help with vocabulary.  I can not tell you the amount of times when that prayer was answered.  I have always prayed for strength and courage.  My prayers have been answered many times.   That being said.

The transitions I am going through involve, first and for most, A change in address.  I am now living in a much nicer and more expensive address.  First floor walk out patio and three blocks to a nice lake with many restaurants.  I continue to read many biographies of other survivors of incest and child sexual abuse and watch as many documentaries of the same epidemic.   I balance this self study with watching vintage cartoons and many old funny movies along with some from Bette Davis and Joan Crawford.  I have recently read a biography of Joan Crawford, read like a love letter, and had to watch vintage movies of both these amazing actresses.   I have also been reading more books by James Van Praagh.   Really an amazing psychic and medium.  Of the many books I have been reading I really recommend, "When the Piano Stops".  Fascinating and amazing story of a brave and courageous woman named Catherine McCall.

I have also been investigating a support group to speak about incest and child sexual abuse.  I am not sure how I will be received while being a Gnostic Christian and believing I chose to be a survivor of all that I have lived through.  The first attempt to join the group did not go well.  I got a call while at work about joining the group and when I tried 3 times I did not get a confirmation that the group would meet as there were enough people interested in the group.  I did not want to drive the 40 minutes each way just in case.  Now I can not drive as my car needs repairs and I am investigating the most honest mackanec at the most fair price.  On a better note I did recently get wheels!  I took a cap with my bike in the back to a nearby shop for a few repairs.  I got a front skewer for the tire, got the tires pumped up and purchased a bike lock.  I then biked home the 3.2 miles.  Now I have gone to the nearby store and will soon check out the bike paths nearby.

I am also in the rewrite of letters to the Dr. Phil show who accidentally sent me an email.
This should be interesting.

So....Transitions.  We all go through them.  They can be scary but I always pray for guidance and
most times those prayers are answered.  Try to keep the faith, what ever that is to you.
