Saturday, February 7, 2015


The Undergrouind Railroad was an amazing thing that helped free many slaves. Safe houses with food on a long and dangerous journey. Loving, caring people worked diligently to make this possible.  It was a Noble Achievement.
There is another kind of railroad that is going on right now as you readthis. I like to call it the Underground Railroaded.
The survivors of child sexual abuse are the Underground Railroaded. We are not being taken seriously. We are the people deemed to have mental impairments. People try to silence us.
This is the antithesis of the former railroad. This is where predators are being swept away in hidden passages, hushed hallways leading to freedom and safety where they can do more harm and continue to steal childhoods away from more children. And disrupt the harmony of any family that survivor is a part of. Most likely that "family" will not support that survivor.
There is a map in this Wikipedia link. You can see the Underground Railroad in red. We all know that incest and child sexual abuse are an epidemic in this country and it occurs in every state. What would the underground railroad of predators and their protectors look like?!?

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century slaves of African descent in the United States to escape to free...

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