Friday, February 10, 2012

Gnostics Unite

In the Gnostic tradition we believe that we choose our path. We choose every last detail of our chart of life and if we go through a rough time we know that for some reason we have taken part in the choices. There are "best case scenarios" and some times you find yourself in "the worst case scenarios" kind of like what I am involved in now. I do not believe that it is important to share any of the details here as I do not want to bore you! I sometimes vent to God and I am sure they, He and She can handle it. It is not a sin. They love you Unconditionally.

I am not very savvy about the law, but I am venturing out. I have recently gone to a law library. I felt rather intimidated but I began to feel more brave as well. It was liberating. I looked up "incest" in the computer catalogue just to see what I would find.

I found a booklet about state by state laws regarding incest. I found it all kind of stupid. I mean to say that while a certain act in criminal in one state and not in another? I just do not understand that. As I search out and explore more about the law, I am sure to come across some kind of expert whom I can ask in person. I can not wait to find out what an expert will say! I am smiling to myself thinking they might just say, "It's just a STUPID LAW!"

At what point will the government step in in the case of an epidemic? Why can we not just pass a law about, "The truth between two people". I have often heard about the law that you are not forced to testify against yourself. It kind of seems to stop dead in its tracks the simple act of following one of the 10 commandments.

I have heard that that it is difficult to prove abandonment.

In the Gnostic faith we believe that we can not "blame" anyone for anything as everything we experience is what we have chosen to experience. We can not "blame" them but we can say I "attribute" this to ****** * ************. I attribute my sexual molestation to the person who inflicted them upon me. My birth father. A man who has a great deal of power over his family, my relatives.

I do not know the statistics of how many families claim that the person who comes forward to try to address child sexual abuse is mentally impaired. That is the case with me. The part where my family/relation are clever/cruel is that they do not answer a direct question. "Do you think I am mentally impaired?" If there was a public statement made to that affect I would think there would be a way to take someone to court, such as my father/molester and we would take all the relevant tests to show if someone is lying and if someone is mentally impaired. The truth between two people.

How many Gnostics have been tossed under the bus? What if we all gathered to together to file a lawsuit against our families about abandonment? I heard Oprah (no last name needed) recently asked people to stop hiding child molesters within their own families. I have written her a few emails about this very issue. With the tone of some of my emails I think they refer to me as "Angry Guy". But if you are not angry, you are not paying attention.

Gnostics who have been tossed under the bus, think about uniting. Thanks.

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