Monday, December 27, 2010

A Plan To Address Child Sexual Abuse

I have not been on here in some time. Mulling over many things and many projects I have in mind.

For one thing I am going to try to connect many colleges together to start a group research project. I hope that the networking that this entails brings together many others who are interested in working on and finding solutions to the epidemic of child sexual abuse. I will be requesting students in psychology, writing, and law as they would all be of use in the fight for children.
I have the template for an in depth questionnaire I have used many times in talks I have been involved in. I would need some writers to help with that. I want to explore the laws about child sexual abuse. What laws are there to protect the predator? What are the laws to protect the children? Do they balance? Is there a plan set by the government in case of an epidemic? Is the plan adaptable to different types of epidemics? Medical/Child Sexual Abuse? IF there is NOT a plan to address an epidemic such as Child Sexual Abuse don't you think there should be? What if I had such a plan?!?!? I think I do and that is why I am going to contact many Universities.

I have a new direct email.....Just to use in conjunction with this blog.

Please copy and post this email as many times as you like. I am looking for college students interested in the fight for children's right to be children. If you are a college student, copy this and post it on a bulletin board or boards. Is there a writer in a college paper who wants to write a little story and reprint this?!? GREAT! Are there lawyers studying to help children.....join the team.

Please send me any email addresses of colleges you attend so that I may include them in the invitation. I am not sure if colleges work in conjunction with each other but I think this would be a big step forward to do a study of each of the areas where the colleges are. Thank you as always.

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