Thursday, February 9, 2012


The title of this post is not about me. Yet. This is the title of the latest incest biography that I am reading. I tried to contact the printer to post something that I read in this book. I could not reach that company. I looked up the author online and found her.
Her name is Iris Galey. I got an email back from her, in fact 4 or 5 emails. They were somewhat frantic as she told me she HAD NO IDEA HER BOOK WAS BEING PRINTED AND SOLD IN THE USA! I have been doing some research for her to try to track down the person or people who have been stealing from Iris Galey. She did give me permission to repost what I had read in her book. The words were from a teacher of hers. I found the words very profound and thought they would help many others. The teacher wrote down 10 things. I am going to write these words out for myself. Here is what that teacher wrote.

1. I am a unique, valuable person. Every person is.
2. I should never compare myself to other. I am me.
3. I must learn to love and accept myself.
4. If I can't love myself, I can't love others.
5. My attitude towards life, makes life.
6. I must learn to live in the present.
7. To learn to know myself is the greatest art and honesty.
8. Out of every death new life grows.
9. I am part of everyone. Everyone is part of me.
10. I have a teacher and friend who believes in me.

Ivo van Landers

When I read these words, I found great comfort in their message. Over the years I have had teachers who were friends who believed in me. I would venture to say that Ivo van Landers would probably not mind if you thought of him as a friend and that these words are for any person who needs to feel better about themselves and to move forward with their own healing.

As for the business of printing this book without permission, it saddens me that the author has been violated again in a different way. If you have any knowledge of this book in your community please contact me with any and all information of where you found the book and where it may continue to be sold. I found the copy of this book at a library in Minneapolis.

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