Monday, June 8, 2015

Private Pants

It may seem like a small thing but I have been thinking....What if we change the name of "underpants" to "Private Pants".    I am thinking of this for infants and children's undergarments.
This way we can begin to teach children about "private area's" of their body.  This way they can tell you if anyone removed or went under their "private pants". 

Just a thought. 


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Major Pedophile Ring in UK

UK authorities work to expose nation's largest pedophile ring

21.05.2015 | Source:



UK authorities work to expose nation's largest pedophile ring. 55265.jpeg
Operation Hydrant created by UK National Police Chief's Council, is investigating a number of alleged sex abuse inquiries, Pravda.Ru reports. The operation, which does not conduct a particular investigation, said that the 1,433 suspected offenders included 76 politicians, 43 musicians, and 135 from film, television and radio. A further 216 were revealed to have died.
The alleged abuse is primarily thought to have happened in institutions. As many as 666 of the suspects targeted victims in establishment places.
A total of 154 schools, 75 children's homes and 40 places of religious worship were among the institutions identified.
The UK authorities see "an unprecedented increase" in the number of allegations surfacing, officials said.
As part of Operation Hydrant, authorities investifate incidents spanning from the 1970s till the 2000s. In all of those incidents, inquiries into MPs, actors and the clergy were dropped due to pressure from senior officers.




Friday, May 15, 2015

Networking for Health

Are there any people out there who would like to communicate privately with each other who are survivors of incest? Men or Women who would like to have a chat line for support and social interaction? Networking for healing purposes and even healing enough to interact and build relationships with each other? Friendships and respectful dating relations? There are sites out there for dating.....but I am not sure if there is something specific to a survivor of incest or child sexual abuse. Just a thought. (look at me so desperate for a date I try to create something like this!?!!!!!~ This last part is pure comedy) It really is all about healing and healthy boundaries to be respected to move forward with ones own life and IF you are ready to have some kind of relationship THEN....YOU will decide what that will be! Empowerment is Important. Please respond. I will see what I can do to create a private space on the web to do such a thing.


Friday, May 1, 2015

The Family Has Grown Closer (Post With Conjecture)

This post is purely conjecture. 

It has been many years since anyone in my family has had any communication with me and many years since anyone has responded to a phone call a letter or an actual visit I made to them.

I can only think that they are growing closer together in the face of this individual who is trying to address the issues of family health. 

It appears I have made my pedophile cry and yet no one is demanding that I apologize.
We could go through exactly what my letter said to find out exactly what made this person cry but
that might lead to the truth!  So lets not do That!

My "family" is practicing what they like to call "tough love" but all I am smelling is tough shit!
(sorry about that..........I think that might be the first time I wrote that word) 

I do have empathy for any person who is attracted to a young child or infant in a sexual way.
I do not believe anyone in my "family" has the empathy for me that I feel for my birth father.

I am very happy that my spirituality is strong and that while it would be nice to have actual relationships with my the people who claim to be loving supportive family, I really do not miss them because I did not bond with any of them.  My mother a little....Maybe.......but for the most part I am an incest orphan.  I lived a very turbulent incesthood.  (That squiggly red line underlining the last word in that last sentence...the one you can't see.... needs to go away)


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Quote

“She discovered with great delight that one does not love one's children just because they are one's children but because of the friendship formed while raising them.”

― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera

A friend just posted this on her Facebook page. It is a beautiful quote. When I read this I think of what a difficult situation when a child does not build any kind of relationship with their mother due to surviving incest. The house was poisoned and I did not trust a friendship with my mother.

I also noticed a lack of missing my mother when a mechanic friend of mine was working on my car and mentioned he missed his mother who had died a week prior.  I really did not have a safe place to have built a relationship with my mother.  We all need surrogate mothers and fathers if we do not have what we need in our infancy and youth.  The trick is to always Be there for others if and when they are there for you and Do Not Cling!  Learn the appropriate boundaries'! 

If you are a survivor of sexual abuse and dealing with dissociation, this just adds another twist to the recovery. 


Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Word to "Get Real" About


[chahyld-hoo d]

1. the state or period of being a child.
2. the early stage in the existence of something:
the childhood of the human race.

Childhood should be a carefree simpler time.  When that is taken away you endure what I call "incesthood".


1. the state or period of being used sexually as a child.
2. the early stage in the existence of something horrible.

1. the action of having been sexually molested by a blood relative, i.e. father, brother, uncle etc.

There are hundreds of thousands of people out there who did not Have a childhood.  A number of those people will go on to continue the epidemic of child sexual abuse.  A number of those people will never speak of this to their families.  A number of those people will support and hide any actions they survived.  A number of those will do the work to get out of that destructive cycle and try to change for the health of it.

Too many families are expecting family loyalty without being loyal to the survivors of child sexual abuse.

I have explored the way to get a word into the dictionary and the main way a word is added is by usage.   This posses a particular problem as there is a gargantuan majority of people who are survivors who will not come forward to be open about their survival.  An aunt of mine who will not speak with me….she will speak At me but will never broach the subject of incest or child sexual abuse and I tried for 25  years!  I have bookmarked the page to submit a word to the dictionary and will go back and fill
out all the reasons why I believe it to be a valid word.  If you want to share this post with anyone or any organization who could begin to Use this word….well that would be Great!   Peace.  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Issues of Unresolved Trauma

I have been searching out healing paths and came upon Survivors Chat.  I was taught many years ago about the power of words and the choices we make.  When you choose to express yourself as a Survivor it is very empowering.  You are not a victim.   I was victimized and I Survived!  If you are reading this You survived Too!

Copy and paste the survivors chat site and explore for yourself.  Many good ideas for a path to healing
and the other address is a guide post to check where you are in your path of healing.  I got 2 out of 20 which is good.  There are 20 signs you are still not fully healed from trauma.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

World Map Of People Looking at This Blog

This is a map of the location of the people who have been looking at this blog.  

Nature / Non-Nurture

You always hear about being the product of our upbringing.  The old debate about Nature and Nurture.
We have to look at this more closely and bring in the category of Non-Nuture.

Look at what is a part of the persons life and address that Non-Nuture part.

This of course applies to Any part of a persons life.  Not just child sexual abuse.

As I always say; Address the Problem at its Core and fix it from there.

Nature / Nurture

Nature / Non-Nurture

Where are you in this mix?

Where is your family in this mix?

We need to begin speaking about Family Health!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A Sexual Abuse Survivor is Always at The Scene Of the Crime

The scene of the crime has always been about the location, as in the address or building.  It occurs to me that being the survivor of sexual abuse, you are always at the scene of the crime.    Your body is your house.  The vehicle that houses your Soul.  This makes things very complicated.

                                                                    Uncounted Survivor


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Steps to Recovery of Incest

There are many different theories about the process of recovery of incest and child sexual abuse.
This is one that I thought was very clear and it works for me.  There are still steps that I need to work through.  I may need to step back and go through a step I thought I was through or go to a deeper level of understanding to go on to the next level.  That is what I have placed before myself.  I believe in setting goals but have the realization that the real healing process takes time.  If you are a survivor as well please check out this site.  If it does not work for you, By All Means Keep Looking For Something or Someone who Can Help!  It is Important to Take the Steps.

Copy and paste this addy below.  I am not tech savvy to have you just click ON it.  Sorry.  It is a very good site with a great deal of Healing Advice.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

An Episode of Dissociation Explained to My Former Manager in Hospitality

Dear Lori,

This letter is to apologize and explain what happened at a business meeting when I was working at [The Hotel you Manage].

What you and the others at the meeting witnesses was an episode of dissociation.
I explained during my initial interview that I had done 15 years of public speaking about social justice issues and caregiving as I was a long time companion to a man living with AIDS but I did not at the time explain that I also spoke at great length about being an incest and child sexual abuse survivor.

Throughout my life there have been episodes of dissociation caused by different triggers.  I am not aware of all the triggers but I am evaluating them and beginning to put them into some kind of order.  I know that living in a house where I was sexually molested by my father for 10 years caused me to not feel loved as an infant and young child so there were panic attacks there.  I know that sometimes a trigger is just someone being kind to me and when that happens, sometimes a younger version of myself has emerged and I revert into a child like state and that is when you witnessed
the dissociation at the meeting at [the Hotel].   It is almost like a split personality and when it happened I was not even aware that it happened until a few days later.

In the more than 25 years I have been addressing the issues of incest and child sexual abuse I have contacted my “family” but no one on my paternal side will speak about this family tragedy.

At present my blog has had over 8,000 hits.  Since I have no tech savvy the blog reads a much lower # and I cannot fix that.  I also have been writing and posting on a facebook page with the same name.  Address Child Sexual Abuse

One of my earliest posts on my blog was a detailed list of most of my memories of the incest and child sexual abuse.  I have it enclosed here.  Read it if you want or don’t as it is very disturbing and not really necessary for you to see to be an understanding person with what I and many others deal with on a daily basis.   Sexual abuse survivors have to deal with survival issues for the rest of their lives.

In AA the 8th step is to make amends for past actions.  I am working on a “Steps” list for sexual abuse survivors and I liken this step to the #8 on their list as a way of explaining, apologizing and educating people as to what this is all about.

Once again I am sorry that you witnessed my episode of dissociation.  I am not a crazy person, I am only severely damaged.....but I am healing.  And trying to bring healing to my fellow survivors.


I do not know what others will feel about my choice of disclosure.  I thought long and hard about what I would say and after writing this letter over and over in my mind this is what I came up with.   I consider myself spiritual and I must say that whenever I have prayed for "words", that prayers has ALWAYS been answered.  Whenever I have prayed for the right words to say in public speaking or if I am posting on my blog or Facebook page or if I need to speak with someone about a difficult situation
I have always had a great deal of assistance from the Other Side (Heaven).  And I am very grateful for that!  Prayer is Good!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Abandoned Human Rescue / Incest Orphans

There are numerous videos online that show caring people out rescuing abandoned animals.  Often times it is a dog living on the streets because the owners moved or they just let the dog out loose because they could not care of the animal.

The videos have soft sweet piano and violin music to evoke the emotions of hardship that the animal faces on their own.  The people doing the rescue toss a part of a burger to the animal they want to rescue and calm the animal down showing the animal they mean no harm.  They eventually get a loose rope around the animals neck and bring it to a shelter where they bathe and do a medical and micro chip check.

I have been thinking that their needs to be more ways to reach the humans who are abandoned due to child sexual abuse and incest.  I have begun to think of myself as an Incest Orphan.

To my knowledge there is not a set procedure to round up and nurture incest orphans back into society and there will not be unless someone just steps forward to suggest such a thing.  I am doing that now.

Please join in the conversation.  

Saturday, February 7, 2015


The Undergrouind Railroad was an amazing thing that helped free many slaves. Safe houses with food on a long and dangerous journey. Loving, caring people worked diligently to make this possible.  It was a Noble Achievement.
There is another kind of railroad that is going on right now as you readthis. I like to call it the Underground Railroaded.
The survivors of child sexual abuse are the Underground Railroaded. We are not being taken seriously. We are the people deemed to have mental impairments. People try to silence us.
This is the antithesis of the former railroad. This is where predators are being swept away in hidden passages, hushed hallways leading to freedom and safety where they can do more harm and continue to steal childhoods away from more children. And disrupt the harmony of any family that survivor is a part of. Most likely that "family" will not support that survivor.
There is a map in this Wikipedia link. You can see the Underground Railroad in red. We all know that incest and child sexual abuse are an epidemic in this country and it occurs in every state. What would the underground railroad of predators and their protectors look like?!?

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century slaves of African descent in the United States to escape to free...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Letter To Family Priest [a work in progress]

I am writing you in a time of dire need for my family.  Over the years I have done 15 years of public speaking about my survival of child sexual abuse and incest.  I have tried for over 20 years of speaking with my family about my survival to no avail and in the last 3.5 years I have blogged and most recently I have a Facebook page.

As you can see I am doing my part about Addressing Child Sexual Abuse.

I am sure you are aware of the difficulties that many churches are dealing with in our fight to prevent and address the needs of the survivors of child sexual abuse as well as the unfortunate men who are attracted to infants and children in a controlling sexual way.  As it stands now, for some reason I have found that the majority of support and empathy somehow comes to land in the lap of the predator or child molester.

Coming from the stand point of the survivor I thing it might be just so much more easy to
toss the survivor under the bus as has happened with me.  That is unfortunate but I have grown much more spiritual as a result so I do look at the bright side of things!

The reason I am writing to you in this time of family crisis is that after 20 years I really do need to tell my story and come out as a child sexual abuse survivor.  It is a logical step in my healing and recovery and with my knowledge and insight about new ways to address this issue I am sure that We will make great strides in combatting this epidemic.  I am giving my family every opportunity to join in this discussion about family health and I am asking you to join in as well.  I am sure that we can all agree that this Is an epidemic and we are all concerned or we all should be seeing that I am a survivor of incest from the [___________] family.  After so many years of showing and having respect and family loyalties to the [__________] family I think it is time for my family to show me as much respect and loyalty that I have shown them.  That is only fair.

*A work in progress.  I am thinking it might even be a template for others to do a Group Coming Out.
There would be portions of the script that other survivors would change to suit what they have done for the cause or personal struggles that you have survived that some may have witnessed that would be relevant to you….but use as much text as you would like.  Once I have the full text clarified I will do a boost on Facebook.

I do appreciate anyone checking in and please contact me if you want to share your story of survival or if you want to brainstorm about how to address these issues or if you need a shoulder.

Please Take Care.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Strength in Numbers? / What's The Matter, Pedophile Got Your Tongue?

We have all heard it said many times before.  There is strength in numbers.

I have my doubts.  

In many ways, many who have been beaten down and conditioned due to age, gender, sexual orientation, color etc., often do not have the strength, power or knowledge to stand up for themselves.
Many do not come forward because they fear the reaction by friends and family.  Will they be supported?  Will they be rejected?  Will they have friends or family after they confront the abuse?  

The matriarch of my paternal family is a woman who I know was sexually molested.  She joined the convent when she was 8.  This was many years ago and times were different.  So……first off I think while she said she had a calling, I believe she had a means of escape.  Her older sister had a true calling even though she was only 9 years old.  The older sister was a nun for I believe around 70 years until her death due to cancer.  The younger sister was a nun for 20 years.  She left and was a revered teacher for many years.  I once visited her when I was 16 years old or so.  I stayed for a long weekend.  She had a very nice stereo system and I changed the station to what was the same music but it was with vocals. It was the music of Frank Sinatra and that era.  Same music but my aunt would only listen to the instrumentals.   I was camped out in her spare room of her condo and she came in and seemed quite agitated.   She asked me if I could change the music back to what she had before.  I said I would and that was the end of that.  When I first began having memories of her brother being my pedophile she refused to speak about it.  NEVER.  Direct questions, answers to something I did not ask.  Brick Wall. 
From what little I have witnesses I am sure that she was a survivor before me.  But……..A pedophiles got her tongue.  There is just no speaking with people who refuse to speak with me.  She silenced her music and she silenced herself.  She is now 81 years old.  

There has been a long silence from my family in retaliation to my having to step back when I had no support in a volunteer project I was involved in.  Unfortunately the project lasted 20 years.  While it was sad that there was that long a separation from my mother, since I did not bond with her due to the molestation of my pedophile, I have for the last 5 years tried to reconnect with my "mother".  I call her by her first name as I did not bond with her.  She will not call me by a nickname she gave me or my new chosen name.  Bones of contention.  Basic respect is what I ask for.  Jumping through hoops is what is seemingly expected.  And of course I can not jump through the hoops when they are not presented to me.  

A friend of mine told me about an attack in Loring Park, MN many years ago.  It was an attack on gay men with baseball bats.  The two who had bats where greatly outnumbered but the gay men all ran away and did not try to defend themselves.  Had they been beaten down verbally, or physically before? 
Did they not have the means or support in the past?  

We have come a long way in some places and we need to come a lot farther in others.  

The numbers of child sexual abuse cases / incest survivors is staggering.   The number of people involved in the websites dealing with this epidemic seems to be a fairly high number but the people really speaking out about this epidemic is relatively small.  

I have tried to speak with my "family" for over 20 years about what I have survived and what was and most likely is still a part of the paternal side of my family and the next logical step is to come out.  

I will give them every opportunity to show their family support to me or I see no reason to continue to show them my family support to and for them.  

Tick Tock.

I will inform all parties (all family members) of my intention for family health and invite them to join in the discussion.   Would you join in a family discussion about sexual abuse in your family?!?


*Whats The Matter?  Pedophile Got Your Tongue?!?   

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Craigslist Posting for Social Gatherings, Support and Brainstorming

Hello, I am a survivor of incest and child sexual abuse. I am looking to connect with others who are survivors. I would like to form a safe supportive group that would involve survivors, family and friends of survivors, professional therapists and possibly lawyers. 

I would like to have regular social gatherings as well as people who would brainstorm about proceeders used now to address the issues of child sexual abuse. I also want lawyers to be involved to help look at laws present on the books now and see what changes need to happen to actually bring about more change to those laws to balance the "playing field" and bring more power to survivors. 

I am not a professional in dealing with child sexual abuse but I did 15 years of public speaking about social justice issues and more safety for children regarding child sexual abuse. I also have been writing a blog for the last 4 years. The blog has had some success. I usually have at least 150 hits a month. Total "hits" for my blog are over 8,000. 

I will be posting this in my blog and Facebook page as well. If you see this and believe it would benefit a person you know please forward this to that person or organization. 

The purpose for this is for healing. I have seen survivors groups around the twin cities but most are women only. I was involved in one small group that was through the organization NIP out of South Minneapolis but that was short lived and not very in depth. I believe many fall through the cracks and many like myself are abandoned by their families. This is my first attempt for a gathering of this kind. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Crossing my Love of Taxidermy with how I feel about my Dear Old Dad

This is a "stock photo" from the internet with no relation to the dark humor presented with the title of this sweet little post!  I also do Not Love Taxidermy and have never hunted.

*I also repeat, Never Take the Law into your own hands.   Just get by by using dark humor!  

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Private Chat on Facebook with a Male Cousin

Me: Hey Cousin,  How are you?  Just wondering if you could get me Doris's address.  Thanks.

[Doris was an Aunt]

Hi! Things are well. How about for you? 
About Doris though, she passed away a few years ago.

I am in (Mid-West City) and am about to begin marketing my art work……other than that I am working to make a living….. but I do have 3 day weekends at this point so that is good……    I asked about Doris as I must have seen her Double a few days ago.  There was a beautiful well dressed woman whom I could have Sworn was Doris.  As I am not on the best of terms with many (Paternal Family) right now……. I did not cross that path.  But………  This woman looked exactly like Doris.

Best of luck with your artwork. What mediums do you use? I'm certainly no artist, but I enjoyed art so much in college that I have a great appreciation for those with such gifts.
Yes, I'm aware of your falling out with your family. That isn't something I can relate to . . . And I'm blessed to have my family. I'm sure its a difficult situation for you and your family both. I'll pray for you and them both.

December 8, 2014

Me: As for the "falling out"…..there was not a falling out……there was incest for 10 years from my father…he also involved me in child porn…….then there was the time I was gang raped by mouth on the paternal farm in  Bloomer, WI. where I had a near death experience and had oral gonnoreah as a parting gift….there were also a few priests….and other various molestation I survived……  and the only way I can be a part of most of the [paternal family] lives is if I pretend it didn't happen.  I spoke publicly for 15 years about this and I have a blog I have written in for the last almost 3 years.  It's all about abandonment from the [paternal family]………They are not my favorite people.   It would be interesting to hear what if any details you have heard.  Mostly I thing there is the ongoing lie that I have mental impairments.

I apologize for stating it as a "falling out." That probably appeared to be making light of the whole ordeal,  but please know that from my perspective I only saw my cousin no longer speaking to his family and his family no longer speaking to their son. 
I haven't heard any details. From my perspective my mother was the only of that side of the family with any, albeit minimal, contact. 
The events that you describe are terrible,  and I don't want to make light of it. 
It would be ok to speak about your family, but maybe not write about it. We could get coffee over Christmas if you like . . . But don't feel obligated.

No apology needed.  Coffee over Christmas would be great.

Seen Dec 8

*I copied and pasted this conversation with my cousin from Facebook.  There was one part of the conversation that upon re-reading did not make it here.  When I explained to this cousin I had done 15 years of public speaking about social justice and incest survival my cousin thought that was good but my cousin objected when I told him I was also writing a blog for almost 4 years.  It is unfortunate that there are generations of hiding pedophiles.  I should not judge but I am saddened that it looks as if my paternal side of the family were in charge of dealing with pedophile priests, they would most likely just
relocate them as the Catholic Church did for years.  

*I did not see my cousin on Facebook during the Christmas Holiday and there was no communication from him to have the coffee.  I still enjoyed coffee and was grateful!

I hope you all had a Joyous Holiday and Celebrated the Birth of Christ.