Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Now, Voyager

I was thinking about an uncle of mine who used to drink a case of beer a day.  He has been sober for more than 35 years.  Very happy for him and proud of him.  I was thinking I will always be a survivor of incest.  I believe that I have for the most part put all the pieces together from my shattered life but there will always be triggers and there is small part of my puzzle I do not believe I will ever know.  

I was on a kind of camping trip.  I am not sure but I believe it was part of a scouting trip.  I believe there was a private cabin I was going to share with my father and another child my age and another adult my fathers age.  I believe I had a kind of outburst and panic attack.  It took some doing to calm me down.  And I got a present from my father.  

There has been so much talk in the news recently about Dylan Farrow.  Her open letter to her father she sent to the New York Times was so amazing.  The views that society has about child molestation and pedophiles perpetuates the continuation of offenses on children.  It is my belief that in the course of what is being done NOW you Will NEVER slow down or end child sexual abuse. 
There needs to be a completely different way of looking at the problem and addressing it in a more aggressive manor.  The first thing you do is level the "playing field".  Get RID of the Statute Of Limitations!  Pedophiles are Serial Killers Of Childhoods!  

I am re-watching "Now, Voyager" with Betty Davis and I always love the transformation she goes through in her journey of growth and healing from abuse.  I like to think that there are many people who have survived sexual molestation move forward in their own journeys of healing who emerge stronger and proud to have survived.  I am on my own "Now, Voyager" path to healing.  

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