Oh Look....I can see your Cankles from here!

I see continued Passive Aggressiveness!
If I would send this last card it would not need any caption on the inside. It is self explanatory. And of course......If I were to follow the pattern of passive aggressiveness, The card would be unsigned.
I do not know if I will print any of these off and make them into cards to send to a few choice people but I do like to try to find some kind of humor in things. As for me, I have been thinking about what some in this world want and demand from me. As far as my parents, they want me to deny more than 9 years of child sexual abuse. Thats all! And then when you are in there lives in the guidelines that they establish, they expect you to edit out 98 percent of my life because they are not going to support me anyway.
So....you think that That is ever going to happen?!?
I would love to propose the same restrictions on them. I do not think that Anyone would agree to this!
It's always nice if and when you find a friend who can be a wise father or mother figure. I have known some people like this along the journey of my life. I like to observe and thank God for people like this and often I see these kinds of behaviors with strangers on the street. Let's all try to observe and send out good energies when we see this. And let us try to be nurturing and caring for those who need it. Maybe you and I can be nurturing Aunt and Uncle figures.
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