Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Email From the Dr.Phil Show!

After more than 20 years of trying to address the issues of child sexual abuse I have my preverbal foot in the door at the Dr.Phil show.   Who knows how many hundreds or thousands of emails are sent out to prospective guests is a mystery to me, I only know that I am one of them!

Some of what I have written about in my letter includes a small statement on how I tried to reach his friend and colleague Oprah (Winfrey, for those living under a rock) about some shocking details as a direct result of the child sexual abuse that I survived.

I was very excited to get the email however I received the email on 8/22/2012 and it asked me to respond by 8/23/2012~!  Really?!?  The problem is that I did not even open the email until yesterday!
8/28/2012.  I sent the detailed email response to them just the same.  If there is a remote chance I am going to take it!  Wish me luck.  And thanks again Dr.Phil Show.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thank You that I have crossed 2,000 hits. Not sure when But it happened. Thanks.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Being Passive Aggressive / What Do Parents Sacrifice?

               Is being Passive Aggressive 
              just another way to BULLY?

                 *This is what I think.

                              When speaking of the many
               sacrifices that parents make,  
               I feel I was one of the biggest.

               A kind of sacrificial lamb. 

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A New Interpretation To An Old Saying

                                                   Uncounted Survivor


I only want to see ALL of it at once pooled in a puddle under his lifeless body!    


Possible Interview With Father/Son Incest Couple

I have come across an incest couple (father/son) on the Internet and have communicated with them to ask if they would be involved in an interview.  I have received an email saying they would participate.
I assured them I would keep the interview anonymous.

I have around 20-25 questions ready for the interview and I am asking anyone if they have any questions they would like to ask through me.

Please no not ask explicit sexual questions.  I think we all know the basics of man on man sex so anyone looking for a cheap thrill can go to the Internet themselves and look up such things.

That is not what this interview will be about.

If you are part of an incest couple or if you have been affected by this kind of union in your own circle of friends I would like to hear from you as well.

I am trying to explore all aspects of incest.

I personally do not aspire to have this kind of relationship.

Please send any and all questions to:

Thank you.


I recently got a response from the "Lad" from the Lads and Dads Tribe where I first found this incestuous couple.  The response was that since my main focus about incest was dealing with abuse issues from infancy and childhood, they declined.  I did copy and send the questions just the same and asked that they read the questions and possibly reconsider as I was interested in exploring all aspects of incest.   The following is what I sent to them.


Dear Lad & Dad,

I was very surprised at the apparent number of people interested in incest and incest fantasies.  There are huge resources on the Internet for people looking for this kind of “play”.   Personally I have no problem with incest couples that begin this kind of sexuality as long as it does not include children.  If adults in a family want to engage in sexual acts and if there is not a pregnancy involved I am not going to judge. 

I have recently come across an incest couple, father and son who make movies and sell them online.  I have contacted them and they have agreed to an interview.  This is an anonymous interview. 

Interview with Father Son Incest Couple

What was your introduction to sexuality?  (not with each other) 



Do you consider yourself bi/gay? 



How did your current relationship begin?  Who made the first move?

Are you exclusive with each other? 

How open about your relationship are you with people in your life?
Do friends or family know and are they accepting at all?

Are you involved with NAMBL at all or other such groups? 

Do you believe what these types of organizations believe? 

Have you communicated with other father/son couples?

Are your videos your main source of income or is that just on the side that
provides supplementary income?

Is the mother of the lad a part of your lives?

Do you feel the current laws regarding incest are just?  Do you know of what those laws are where you reside?  Since I am unaware of your residence I have not been able to investigate what those are. 

Have you thought long term as far as if/when the Dad begins to have health issues?  Will there be home health care provided by the Lad?

Do you vacation together?  What has been the response if you are open about your relationship?   Do you search out specific places to travel to where you know other incest couples? 

When you do have sex is there a much closer connection being that you are father and son or is it just hot sex? 

Do you have many mutual interests beyond your sexuality?

What aspects of your relationship would you like to share that you might think would be of interest? 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sculpture with Subliminal Penis's

I have had this for years but only recently saw that there were two acorns that looked like penis's with foreskin.  Just to the left of the left eye and far above the right eye near my thumb.  Am I seeing this subliminally?  Should I show a different angle?  Let me know.  (Maybe the artist has had a past too? Am I thinking too cerebrally?)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

University of Wisconsin Madison-Conference on Child Sexual Abuse

There is an invitation from the University of Wisconsin Madison Child Sexual Abuse Conference .

Contact us

We welcome your questions or comments! Please use our mailing list form to receive information about specific topics or to update your address.

This is the only email address I could find on their site.
Send them some questions!

They welcome questions and comments.  Will they respond to any of my many questions?
or......Will they email me back and invite me to spend the 3 or 4 hundred dollars in order to attend this conference?

These are the questions I sent to them.

Have you ever calculated or posted anywhere the statistics of the conferences on Child Sexual Abuse?

How many years has this conference been held?
What are the profits of this conference?
What are the statistics of the growth of child sexual abuse from when the child sexual abuse conference began and what are the statistics of child sexual abuse now?
What concrete new actions are being taken from any of the experts from these conferences and what affect has there been in the fight against child sexual abuse?
Has anyone ever done a survey of the steps taken in years past as to what actually is beneficial to addressing child sexual abuse and do you ever just say, "This is not working and we need to try something else?"
Have any of the experts contacted the US Government to demand action in what can only be described as an epidemic?
Has there ever been any advice as part of these conferences as to how to address the ongoing issue of a child sexual abuse survivors being tossed under the bus?
Do you network with other child sexual abuse conferences and do the experts all get together to brainstorm together as to what is and what is not working?
There is no statute of limitations for a survivor of child sexual abuse, has there ever been steps to change the laws to even the playing field for a survivor of child sexual abuse to erase the statute of limitations?
Are you aware of the growing number of pockets of communities of pedophile families hiding

These are just a few questions I have off the top of my head.  I look forward to reading all the wonderful advances that you have.  Thank you for your attention to my questions.

Uncounted Survivor


These are the questions I have sent to the University of Wisconsin.  I have had very little success in receiving responses to any emails I have sent out over the years.  Let's just see if they respond at all.
Sorry but I do not have much faith.


The page on their website with the invitation to send questions and comments would not allow me to actually follow through and send the questions.  Seemed a little suspect.  I had to search out on a different page on their site for an actual email address.  That email I mailed these questions to was to receive a brochure for the conference.  I asked in my email for them to send me a different email address where I could send my questions to accept their invitation of asking questions if I had in fact not mailed my questions to the correct email.

If they do not respond to my questions, I feel they need to rescind that invitation.

*I have just re-mailed an email that I sent with the same questions.  I will most likely next send out a snail mail letter where someone will have to sign for it.  I will continue to reach out to the powers that be.   I honestly don't know if any of these conferences are doing any good.  I think I will search out all the major child sexual abuse conferences and ask the same questions of them as well.

Monday, August 6, 2012

See If There Are Registered Child Sexual Offenders In Your Area

I was curious about my hometown and registered child sex abuse offenders.  I came upon this site where you can put in your zip code and find out who to watch out for.  I am always looking out for the safety of children.  I often see children alone who by my standards should not be out by themselves.

One memory that comes to mind is that I was in a friends neighborhood and saw a child barely able to walk on his own wandering around in front of a duplex.  I took the hand of the child and asked where his parents were.  He pointed to the side of the house and we walked around and found his mother in the kitchen towards the back of the house.  I explained I was visiting a friend in the area and did not think the little guy should be out by himself.  She thanked me profusely and told me she thought the little guy was with her husband who apparently had just left in his car.  Thats the only part of the story I got.   In the time that the husband left to the time I came along many horrible things could have happened to this child.  I am grateful that I was there at the right time.

The web address to check out to be on the watch for predators is:

I suggest that you check this out for your own neighborhood or even to places your family might visit.
Where ever you go with children is the place you should check out.

There are so many rules as to where a sex offender can live that it is increasingly difficult to house them.  They have to be a certain distance from any school or daycare.  There has to be notifications to residents living in the area.  Each state or community has different restrictions.

In my search I found 94 child sex offenders from the zip code of the house I grew up in.