Thursday, May 21, 2015

Major Pedophile Ring in UK

UK authorities work to expose nation's largest pedophile ring

21.05.2015 | Source:



UK authorities work to expose nation's largest pedophile ring. 55265.jpeg
Operation Hydrant created by UK National Police Chief's Council, is investigating a number of alleged sex abuse inquiries, Pravda.Ru reports. The operation, which does not conduct a particular investigation, said that the 1,433 suspected offenders included 76 politicians, 43 musicians, and 135 from film, television and radio. A further 216 were revealed to have died.
The alleged abuse is primarily thought to have happened in institutions. As many as 666 of the suspects targeted victims in establishment places.
A total of 154 schools, 75 children's homes and 40 places of religious worship were among the institutions identified.
The UK authorities see "an unprecedented increase" in the number of allegations surfacing, officials said.
As part of Operation Hydrant, authorities investifate incidents spanning from the 1970s till the 2000s. In all of those incidents, inquiries into MPs, actors and the clergy were dropped due to pressure from senior officers.




Friday, May 15, 2015

Networking for Health

Are there any people out there who would like to communicate privately with each other who are survivors of incest? Men or Women who would like to have a chat line for support and social interaction? Networking for healing purposes and even healing enough to interact and build relationships with each other? Friendships and respectful dating relations? There are sites out there for dating.....but I am not sure if there is something specific to a survivor of incest or child sexual abuse. Just a thought. (look at me so desperate for a date I try to create something like this!?!!!!!~ This last part is pure comedy) It really is all about healing and healthy boundaries to be respected to move forward with ones own life and IF you are ready to have some kind of relationship THEN....YOU will decide what that will be! Empowerment is Important. Please respond. I will see what I can do to create a private space on the web to do such a thing.


Friday, May 1, 2015

The Family Has Grown Closer (Post With Conjecture)

This post is purely conjecture. 

It has been many years since anyone in my family has had any communication with me and many years since anyone has responded to a phone call a letter or an actual visit I made to them.

I can only think that they are growing closer together in the face of this individual who is trying to address the issues of family health. 

It appears I have made my pedophile cry and yet no one is demanding that I apologize.
We could go through exactly what my letter said to find out exactly what made this person cry but
that might lead to the truth!  So lets not do That!

My "family" is practicing what they like to call "tough love" but all I am smelling is tough shit!
(sorry about that..........I think that might be the first time I wrote that word) 

I do have empathy for any person who is attracted to a young child or infant in a sexual way.
I do not believe anyone in my "family" has the empathy for me that I feel for my birth father.

I am very happy that my spirituality is strong and that while it would be nice to have actual relationships with my the people who claim to be loving supportive family, I really do not miss them because I did not bond with any of them.  My mother a little....Maybe.......but for the most part I am an incest orphan.  I lived a very turbulent incesthood.  (That squiggly red line underlining the last word in that last sentence...the one you can't see.... needs to go away)