Monday, November 12, 2012

Reaching Out to The Viewer In India

Dear Viewer From India,

My off and on partner for 20 years had a yearning to go to India.  He was on a quest to study yoga and meditation.   I explained to him that he could study those things in the fairly large city we both resided in but he really wanted to go as yoga's origin was in India.  

He lived with me for a year after his return from his studies.  I was faithful and many old loving feelings returned and it was wonderful to spend time with this kindred soul.   I struggled with finances and sometimes worked two jobs while my partner settled back into civilian life.  He was at a loss as he hadn't applied for a job in over 14 years.  He was a realtor.  I suggested he be a home inspector.  It was a natural progression from his many years selling homes.  He was able to move into an Ashram after a year of living with me.  He contributed if and when he was able.   He was reluctant to find a job and encouraged me to find a better paying job.  After about 10 days at the Ashram he called and demanded I let him move back in with me.   I told him I was not able to let him move back.  I struggled to make ends meet with sometimes working two jobs.   I asked what was the matter and he would not discus what he experienced at the Ashram that made him want to leave.

He did tell me when he was in India that he felt very much at home.  I am sure he was experiences many memories of past lives.  I have seen him standing in front of shrines or sculptures crying for joy at being back at these beautiful and sacred places as he describes them to me.  

So Dear Reader from India I am asking you to reach out to me.  Do you also believe in reincarnation?   How are you affected by the rather heavy subject of child sexual abuse?  Are you also a survivor?

The reason I am writing this post is that I can investigate where in the world my viewers are watching from.  I see that there is one viewer from India.   I am reaching out to you specifically.  I am not entirely sure how accurate that guage is but I thought I would reach out.  Please respond to my email for this blog. 

I will always respect you and not publish anything without your complete authorization.

 *It is now December 1st. 2012.   The person or people from India who viewed my blog have not as yet responded to my post.   There is always time.