Could it be as simple as this? Could we begin to have an end to sexual abuse if we just simply investigated what is the truth about two people? The two people I speak of are the infant or child and the adult who is sexually molesting them. Just ask yourself what is the first and sometimes only excuse that sexually abusive people put forth. It is that the person proclaiming sexual molestation is mentally impaired. I myself dealt with panic attacks when I was young. I was briefly hospitalized because I had a very fast heart rate and the doctor called it a "nervous heart". It was the psych ward. When I discovered where I was I questioned my mother and she explained the rest of the hospital was full. I personally do not remember the great epidemic of 1980. From all outward appearances some of my actions were very crazy. Was it due to something I was born with or is it because I was living in an unsafe house? Keep in mind that most people remember the sexual abuse in their mid to late 20's and so the emotional part is still very prevalent. Depending on the level of sexual molestation, will depend on just how emotional a person gets.
In my situation the majority of my family have refused to speak to me for the better part of 20 years. It has always been my birth parents modus operandi to lay down the law and end the conversation. This has never worked for me. After many years of trying to speak with them and they continuing to keep repeating that I was mentally impaired, we have at this writing never really reconnected and I do not believe it will ever happen.
What if I the two people in question took polygraph tests? What if we just found out from beginning if there was sexual abuse or if someone is mentally impaired? Surly you care about your daughter or son enough to get them help for the mental impairment that you insist she or he has! I have not proposed this to my own birth father as yet but what are the chances that he would not pass? I know that the man who molested me would certainly fail the test. The only thing I was interested in was to actually as the blog title says, ADDRESS CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. I wanted to investigate as far back as we could find instances of child sexual abuse in my own relation.
Public humiliation, legal action, loss of love from wife and family and friends and suicide are just a few of the fears of a child molester.
It's much easier to just toss the acusser under the bus. They ALWAYS have a history of acting crazy "with pent up emotions that emerge without conscious knowlege of why they are there" yet they will remember in their mid to late twenties! It seems just too text book for words. And somehow we as a group of people have not been able to figure out a sound solution after so many years of trying?!?
The only thing I wanted to find out from my molester is, What Happened To You? I believe that what I have experienced is a generational thing and it WILL continue in my relation after I am long dead. The proverbial brick wall is what I am up against and while that is most likely a fact in my relation it does not need to be a fact in your or other persons cases. If you can IN WRITING and with THOUGHTFULNESS and UNDERSTANDING.......put down on paper that the sole reason you want the truth is to investigate in your own family if it is mental impairment or child molestation.
I personally believe it would be a fair thing if there were some kind of compensation for the survivor for counselors or some kind of other stipend for living conditions while being a survivor. That would have to be decided between the two people in question.
I believe this may all sound like a kind of Utopian way of looking at it. Sunshine and lolly pops and rainbows and unicorns.
Could their someday be a law to Investigate The Truth About Two People? I think it could be real way to make a dent in the ever growing epidemic of child sexual abuse. I believe it could all be done quietly. It would have to be a very carefully worded law. It would be very tricky and I would need a very able lawyer to help with the content. Are there any lawyers reading this?
Do you know a lawyer who deals with child sex abuse cases? If you do know someone, please send him or her a copy of this blog post. Thank you.