Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Three A's of Organizations Addressing Child Sexual Abuse

The Three A’s of Organizations Who are Addressing Child Sexual Abuse


We need to assess what each organization is doing. What are the same things? What are the differences? What are the new and innovative things they are doing? What are the proceedures that you and many others are doing that are not showing any signs of progress?


If there is no progress as to what you are doing, there needs to be a change in thought and procedure so there IS progress. If you serve no purpose and are just “spinning your wheels” people who believe in you and what your organization is doing have the right to know that they are involved in something that is essentially going no where.


There needs to be action taken. There needs to be a plan at the first sign of any kind of sexual abuse to a child.

If/ when a young person (usually in their mid to late twenties) has the memories come back to them about child sexual abuse, their need to be interviews and tests as to what the person remembers. These should be done without any kind of leading or details fed to the person in question who has the memories. Further, there need to be talks/interviews with the person in question (father, boyfriend, family friend, priest or ?) if that person is still in the picture (so to speak).

Going back further, I believe there needs to be education as to the different attractions that we all feel beginning much younger. When in junior high school I believe it would be appropriate to explain about the statistics of how many are straight/ gay/ bisexual/ transgender/ etc. Furthermore there should be talk about the normalcy of each person’s attractions. This is after all just a part of nature.

I personally believe that the attraction to children in a sexual way is something that is of a nurture method as apposed to nature. This would explain why there are some who are attracted to little boys or girls of a certain age. If you look at the majority of offenders of child sexual abuse they often gravitate to a child of a certain age. I believe it is a natural assessment that they themselves were violated at that same age or they looked to be of the age that the offender is attracted to. This is all in line with the nature of things. It is a taught thing. A child often has a great deal of pleasure from the abuse they are experiencing even though they can not as children understand and deal with that “displaced pleasure”.

There needs to be a great deal more teamwork.

Each and every organization should check in with each other. There could easily be a website devoted solely to and for all of these organizations to check in with each other. Research groups could be working in a synergistic fashion in order to make a great deal more progress at actually addressing the issues and finding solutions about bringing an end to child sexual abuse.

I welcome any and all organizations to respond to this posting and challenge them to asses what they are doing. If there are any objections to this post I would equally welcome them as well. Note that I am in no way promoting myself and am not trying to get myself into any kind of limelight. The focus for me has always been and always will be the action of bringing the numbers of child molestation down and eventually bringing an end to child sexual abuse.